Male Extra Pills Reviews, Facts & Results
Not all men are satisfied with what they have for sexual needs. Not all of them are confident to give their partner their best sexual performance. Are you one of them? Of course, it is not like there is nothing you can do about it.
There are various ways you can try to get better at that. One of the ways that I want to bring up in this review is by consuming a product called Male Extra.
Sure, I will give you an honest Male Extra review here. Trust me! It is an effective product that will solve your problem within some months only. Let’s learn about it here!
Male Extra Review on the Product
Let me introduce you to this product first here. Have you heard about this product before? Yes, it is a new product that is just recently going on in the market.
It is understandable that not every person is aware of this product yet. Let me get things straight from beginning here.
Male Extra is sexual performance enhancement pill as well as a testosterone booster. This is something that you men should try if you happen to have a problem with your sex life.
Made in the UK, this product is the best of all with 100% natural ingredients. Can you image how safe it could be?
Not all products of such kind can offer you with safe, natural ingredients, you see.
What is so popular about this product is that it is said to be capable of giving you bigger and harder erections.
By improving stamina and increasing sex drive too, you will be capable of having more intense orgasms.

Based on the customers’ experience from consuming the pills of this product, their penis when erects grows =
- 0.8 inches within three months
- 1.1 inches within four months
- 1.6 inches within five months
- 2.6 inches within six months in average.
Can you believe it? There is no other male enhancement pill product, yet that is capable reaching this point.
Male Extra makes it possible for you to achieve the results you wish. Over 100 clinical studies have been done and completed to ensure such thing.
The maximum dose of each ingredient in this product has been optimized to give you immediate and efficient results too.
That is why the size of your penis can increase within some months only. This is great for you will be having sexual activities that should be more satisfying than before.
The Ingredients of the Product

Don’t you want to know what ingredients are used so that this product can be that quick and effective?
This sexual performance enhancement product is made of various ingredients with the two of them being the main of all.
They are all natural ingredients that should be safe for your body. So, there is no need for you to worry about by consuming this product every day.
Furthermore, the natural ingredients chosen for it are the ones that are the best to help you solve your sexual problem. Here are the ingredients.
- 500mg of pure Pomegranate 40% ellagic to increase erection hardness and solve erection issues
- Niacin to maintain normal mucous membranes and reduce tiredness and fatigue
- 600mg of L-Arginine to produce nitric oxide that can dilate blood vessels to penile erectile tissue
- 100mg of Methyl Sulfonyl Methane to add overall penis health
- Creatine to help energy production for muscle contraction and expansion
- 25mg of Cordyceps to improve sexual energy and desire
- 45mg of Zinc to protect sperm from free radicals
The first two ingredients above are the main ones for the production of this product.
After knowing the list of the ingredients above, you should have realized that not even one of them is useless or harmful in any way for us.
Each ingredient has its role in helping you reach the result you want. Those ingredients are the reasons behind the effectiveness of this product.
Can you trust it now that it is safe and effective? Sure, you should be able to buy now. Considering that it has even undergone more than 100 clinical studies, it should be a reliable one to choose.
More Things about Male Extra

You have learnt enough about this product above. Now, I will tell you what exactly is so good about this product for us to its consumers.
Well, mainly this product is meant to make you get bigger, harder, and more intense erections.
Since it is a vital thing for sexual activities, this product helps you get the size and the best condition of a penis for such activity.
Still related to that benefit, the next positive thing you can get from is that you will be capable of offering your partner the best sexual performance you can give with your libido being increased too.
More intense erections and increased libido will surely delight your partner for you show her more virility.
Simply put, it super-charges your sex life, and you can enjoy all-night staying power with your partner.
It is not only that. Many customers have said that they get pretty fast gains from it. It is what makes it so popular among the customers.
It is not as fast as within some days only, though. However, 3-6 months are still considered to be fast enough for improvement. Not to mention, the size and condition you get are long-lasting one.
Unfortunately, there is no information yet about its effects in long term. Once you get the result you want, you can simply stop consuming this product.
Male Extra side effects are said not to exist in it for it is 100% natural. Although the result gained depends on the individual, it is said to be real effective.
Need to be known however, you will need to have a good intake of nutrients for your body too while consuming this product.
Eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables are recommended each day.
Customer Reviews about This Product
Let’s get more facts about this testosterone booster product from the reviews by customers here.
Surely, hearing the real experience of other people who consume it will ensure that this product is indeed worth to buy.
Most of them are satisfied with it by giving more and more stars in the rating of this product.
I found this product to be just as they claimed. I find myself firm
and ready to satisfy. Pleasurable feeling with more girth and length.
Also, orgasms feel longer and more intense. No disappointments.C. Hucks
Other customers said around the same thing. Such comment is more than enough to prove that this product is a reliable one to choose.
If you ask “does Male Extra work,” you can conclude yourself that it is promising enough to give you the effective result.
Although it is undeniable that the result differs to each person, many others are capable of achieving the positive result.
If you are curious how it will be in your case, you should try this product and follow what is suggested then. This product is not made to disappoint you, you see.

Indeed, there are other products that are similar to this kind. Have you heard about a product called VigRX Plus? Speaking about Male Extra VS VigRX Plus, basically, they serve almost for the same things, providing fuller and firmer erections and boosting sexual desire.
However, VigRX Plus does not provide long-lasting effects. Furthermore, there are many issues about it having fake versions.
Thus, it does not ensure you enough to choose it. For that reason, Male Extra is the best choice you can make for it is capable of ensuring you with everything.
The Best Place To Buy
Are you interested in this product now? If so, you must be wondering where to buy this product. For that reason, I recommend you to order this produce through its official website.
It is the new product and the website still offers reduced prices and bonuses for this product.
There are up to 4 packages you can choose for your convenience and ultimate goals.
1. Ultimate Gainers Package
Here, if you buy four bottles, you get two more bottles for free and two bonus gifts of Pro Erection gel. This package will cost you $249.90 only.
2. Super Gainers Package
if you buy three bottles, you get one more bottle for free and one bonus gifts of Pro Erection gel. This will cost you $197.95 only.
3. 2 Months Supply Package
It will cost you $129.90 only.
4. 1 Month Supply Package
that will cost you $64.95 only.
Of course, this offer will not last forever. If you find one of the packages offered to meet your needs, you should just get your hands on this product as soon as possible through its official website. Don’t hesitate for too long!
Let me tell you the coupon code for this product here.
The Coupon Code
The code is MALE5 or GETBIG5. This code should be able to give you 5% additional discount on this product.
Take advantage of it to get the chance of getting your hands on this effective product of sex booster in more reduced price!
When else can you get the chance of getting bigger, harder erections and multiple orgasms if it is not now from Male Extra product?
Not to mention, you should be able to see the result within some months only. I wrote this Male Extra Review with all honesty, so believe me and buy this product today.